Ancestor Tribute
SAfA 2025 – Excursion to Ancestor Tribute in Lagos
Although Portuguese traders were the first Europeans to venture into sub-Saharan Africa to return with enslaved Africans, and Portugal was also among the last nations to abolish slavery in its colonies, there is surprisingly little public awareness of the extent of slavery and long-lasting legacies of colonial racism in Portugal today. As members of SAfA, we acknowledge the long and difficult history of the African presence in Portugal, with the first archeological evidence of enslaved Africans arriving at the Portuguese Algarve dating to the 15th century.
To commemorate and honor these ancestors, we are arranging an Ancestor Tribute Ceremony in Lagos in collaboration with organizers from the afro-descendant community in Portugal. In conjunction with this ceremony we will visit two most important landmarks related to the history of slavery in Portugal: the archeological site of Valle da Gafaria where the largest burial site containing enslaved Africans in entire Europe was discovered, and the Mercado de Escravos (Slave Market) Museum of Lagos.
This event will take place on Saturday the 26th of July, in the historic city center of Lagos, 1 hour west of Faro. We would like to evaluate the interest among SAfA members to attend this half-day excursion, which will include ground transportation, a light lunch and visits to several historical sites.
If you would like to participate, please answer this short questionnaire to express your intent to participate.
Event organizers:
Dr. V. M. Oelze (University of California, Santa Cruz) & A. Kandimba (Ancestor Tribute Collective, Portugal) & Erich Fischer (SAfA)